Health +
Wellness Coach
Health +
Wellness Coach

I’m Mikayla Dombrowski

A trained fitness and nutrition enthusiast who more than ever believes a healthier, well-balanced lifestyle can be achieved through nutrition and exercise. Let’s bring it back to the basics and recreate what health means to you.
Videos & Plans
Bestselling Books
Let’s Discover Your Highest Potential Together
I’m a small-town Wisconsin gal who is wildly passionate about Jesus, coffee, dogs, and helping others find their inner happiness. While growing up, I felt I never truly “fit in” or found my place of belonging. During my four years of undergraduate school, I began living a lifestyle where I tapped into my highest potential every single day.

What the members have to say:
Recent Successes
Move Well
Strategic Exercising
Eat Well
Targeted Menuing
Live Your
Incredible Expectations
Contact Me
Get In Touch
Are you wondering how Mikayla + Minimal Thyme can help transform your life? If you have questions, or are ready to commit to belonging here, let’s get in touch! Write a message and let’s chat!
YOU Belong Here!
Now, it's all about timing
We're all on our own journey. If you're anything like me, I'm sure you've had this specific age in mind where you assumed life would all come together. Well guess what... that's not how it works for any of us!
Health + Wellness Coach
Mikayla Dombrowski
"There's room for everyone. YOU belong here!"